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this country is at a cross roads. we will either decide to continue down the current path with all its coldness and discerning ways or we will see fit to make a change.

The current political direction is one of non acceptance. if it is not what they (the powers to be, whoever they are) then it is not tolerated. They use this as their underlying premise cause it keeps people off balance. The current political establishment has already established that this is a massive power grab. they are not looking for brownie points for playing fair or being polite. they want to skew the odds in the favor of money garbing.

See, at this point , with Trump in office now for 4 years it is almost all to the point where the upper echelon is ready to pull their money out of the stock market and watch it fall apart, leaving us “regular” people to deal with the loss.

Yes, this has all been about the money and what they can get away with. Don’t look surprised, its all happened before but not on this scale. and don’t get me wrong its not just the republicans doing this,. there are some democrats involved in on it. oh yes, nobody’s innocent at this point. not saying something something sooner is as bad as participating in the event.

Think about it. the democrats were in the white house and the republicans couldn’t stand. They begged , borrowed, and stole so they could get power back. but there is just one issue with all this. they needed help to pull it off. Think about it folks, last election was one of the most costly in history and things are primed for it to happen all over again. Big corporate donors have no problem writing a fat check to somebody but we all know there is a” qui pro quo” in place. We all have seen the result of this around us.

By admin

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