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They are doing it again. trying to find ways to grab control of choices we make as a people. its not enough that they managed to cast major doubt on the presidential elections, now there working on doing it to the runoff election in Georgia. The powers to be, the people that want to rule us without our consent are willing to do just about anything and in plain view, thinking we either wont care or feel frozen with fear and can,t. we have to grow a spine and stand up against all this. I have seen post on face book referencing how we will stare at one bee but will run when faced with hundreds of them. Its about time we show them what thousands of them look like.


Very powerful words. the people that wrote the constitution knew that. They knew our freedoms would always be under attack in one way or another. They knew we would always have to keep fighting for ourselves and our neighbors to ensure the next generation would have the same rights we have. Its the never give up, never surrender deal. Now we have to fight to ensure our voices are heard as one and are listened to , not just dismissed as a crazy peoples rantings…

By admin

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